The efficient and reliable analysis of WESSLING supports food manufacturers and suppliers of raw materials in complying with legal requirements and ensures the highest standards in the field of food safety.
The long-term market success of food and the associated product brands depends to a large extent on their quality and safety, because consumers perceive and remember the quality or quality flaws of food in a very sensitive way.
We protect your brand for you as a food manufacturer or retailer and support you in meeting legal requirements by testing the quality and safety of your products in our accredited laboratories. Therefore we provide all methods of modern food analysis: from chemical-physical analysis to sensory tests to microbiological and molecular biological analyses and the identification of foreign bodies. Our competent experts will advise you comprehensively in the planning of sampling and analysis.
Food analysis: the services of WESSLING in detail
In our laboratories you will find highly qualified staff willing to advise you on choosing the best solutions for the safe evaluation of your food and feed.
Food analysis: the services of WESSLING in detail
The reliable detection of residues and contaminants in food places the highest demands on laboratory analysis. Thanks to our state-of-the-art equipment, WESSLING experts examine raw materials and products using multi or individual methods.
Food analysis: the services of WESSLING in detail
The quality of a food and its consistent sensory profile play a decisive role in the consumer's purchasing habits and acceptance of a product.
Food analysis: the services of WESSLING in detail
In order to achieve the shortest possible testing times for our customers, WESSLING Laboratories use modern protein and nucleic acid analysis methods such as PCR, DNA sequencing and immunoenzymatic investigations (ELISA).
Food analysis: the services of WESSLING in detail
Physical solids which are not part of the recipe and can be sensory detected are named as foreign bodies in food.
Food analysis: the services of WESSLING in detail
One of the most important criteria for the marketability of a food product is that it is microbiologically safe. The WESSLING Group has very efficient microbiological laboratories for food and feed testing.
Food microbiological analysis
Sanitation tests
Water microbiological analysis
The bacteria can be detected in 24 hours
The foods most commonly infected with Salmonella are beef, poultry, milk and eggs. The infested food usually looks and smells normal. Salmonella infection is not life threatening. But for certain categories of people, such as young children, the elderly, transplants, pregnant women, immunocompromised persons, complications may occur.
Our microbiology laboratory in Bucharest can detect possible contamination due to a new fast method of detecting Salmonella spp. The advantage of using this technique is the ability to obtain results within 24 hours for Salmonella spp.
This technique is validated by the European Organization of AFNOR validation
This reliable technique is validated by the European Organization for the validation of AFNOR, in accordance with SR EN / ISO 16140. The degree of adequacy for the new fast method has been demonstrated by the WESSLING Romanian laboratory and validated internally, compared to the classical method for detecting Salmonella spp. The new method is RENAR accredited for the matrix of meat, meat products and preparations.
WESSLING provides individual service packages that are tailored to the needs of your company.