Career at WESSLING

WESSLING Romania offers attractive career opportunities as well as exciting professional and training areas. Our laboratories in Bucharest and Târgu Mureș providing reliable services to the Romanian market for over 20 years.

Ingenieur und Ingenieurin auf der Baustelle

Our 26 sites in Germany, Europe and China are closely networked and cooperate with each other across all boundaries. Whether they are located in Berlin, Romania, Budapest, Lyon or Krakow - all employees are linked by their diverse, demanding tasks and their belief that they are performing a meaningful activity. Sampling technicians, project managers, laboratory analysts and consultants – all of the 1600 employees of the group work together as business partners: our aim is to improve the quality of products and processes and make them safer, in environmental protection, health protection as well as food safety.

Find the right job at WESSLING

Apply now!

Would you like to become part of our team? Find our more about our current vacancies at our German sites here. We look forward to your application!

Become part of WESSLING

As proven by experience in both Germany and in Romania, WESSLING is one of the most attractive employers for job seekers.

This is shown by our score in the "Trendence Absolventenbarometer 2018", the biggest employer study in Germany: WESSLING is listed amongst the top 100 in Germany. The study shows which employers and industries are particularly popular amongst natural sciences students and the criteria according to which they select a job. 

The same is proven by experience in Romania: young people looking for jobs come to us mainly from university courses of chemistry, food industry, environmental protection and pharmacy, as well as various technical fields.

We are looking for enthusiastic and creative candidates with specialist competence and quality awareness who think holistically, enjoy solution-oriented teamwork, like to assume responsibility and appreciate creative leeway.

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What we provide

Working at WESSLING

<p>Why WESSLING?</p>

Innovation and entrepreneurial spirit

As a family-owned company, we attach great importance to the values that characterise our corporate culture. We cultivate a participative management style and respectful cooperation in flat hierarchies. Our idea of a learning company creates the conditions for constantly expanding our know-how and inspiring our employees with interesting tasks. This gives rise to a wealth of ideas and innovativeness. We want to ensure long-term job security for the future.

Motivating working conditions

In our teams, a good working atmosphere is crucial to working together on good solutions. The continuous expansion of knowledge is also supported by external and our internal trainings. Personal and corporate success go hand in hand here.

Occupational health and safety is an active part of our work, including occupational health and integration management and participation in company running events. We promote social and cultural commitment as well as environmental protection.


At WESSLING, we firmly believe that people can learn from one another through their diversity and uniqueness. This dynamic has driven the continual growth of the company over the past 35 years. At present, 18 different nationalities are working at WESSLING's German sites. In the search for ever better solutions, they are working to improve quality of life on a daily basis, in keeping with our slogan "Quality of Life". We actively oppose all forms of discrimination, for whatever reason, and recognise diversity as an enrichment for our company.

Mădălina, Food Safety Business Unit Manager

I am proud to work at WESSLING, because ...

… secure jobs are available here, and human, respectful interaction and mutual trust are a matter of course in our learning company.

Mihai, Chemical Engineer

At WESSLING I find a team ...

... professional, young, energetic, responsible, result oriented and satisfying the clients' requirements in all areas of the company's activity.

Alina, Accountant

I like working at WESSLING, because ...

… the tasks are varied and the level of cooperation between colleagues is special. The flexible working hours are very useful for my family and I.

Mihaly, Development Manager

What I particularly appreciate about our company is that ...

… I am able to make independent decisions in an open and collegial environment together with my team and can therefore contribute to the company's success.

Enikő, Head of Laboratory

I decided on WESSLING, because ...

… the work-life balance here is great. I would never have thought that I would manage to balance qualified further training for women in management positions, two children and my job. WESSLING made it possible.

Alexandra, Assistant Laboratory Coordinator

What I like most about my work at WESSLING ...

…, is that I love the interesting tasks and the interdisciplinary work with our colleagues.

Mădălina, Food Safety Business Unit Manager 1 / 6

Working at WESSLING