Soil analysis at WESSLING: more planning security for your construction project

We support you in your construction project with fast and precise declaration analysis for comprehensive soil analysis. We are represented throughout Romania and we can even examine your soil samples and mineral waste in an emergency, using the express procedure if you desired.

WESSLING provides analysis for all types of soil samples

With the help of our analysis data, you can, for example, derive exploration and remediation measures for contaminated sites and meet the requirements of the Ordonanța de urgență nr. 195/2005 privind protecția mediului. This ordinance ensures the sustainability of soil functions and aims to restore them - and we assist you in this. In addition to our advanced analysis, we offer a unique variety in chromatographic and spectroscopic methods for soil analysis.

Soil analyses by WESSLING: expertise and experience for over 20 years

Sampling at WESSLING

In our laboratories we use physico-chemical methods to examine all pollutants and chemical elements, in accordance with H.G. no. 140/2008 regarding the assessment of environmental pollution. We perform the analysis of the soils that apply sludge according to Order 344/2004. We support you in establishing the analytical indicators tailored to the needs of your company, according to the authorizations requirements and in applying the specific regulations.

This is especially necessary for the fields of soil remediation, land recycling and soil investigation. In this context, we are preparing initial status reports.

The sampling and the analyzes are executed under SR EN ISO/IEC 17025 acreditation, in WESSLING laboratories.

Sampling from:

  • Contaminated sites
  • Farmland
  • Land for construction

Soil Analysis

  • Petroleum products – TP
  • Volatile aromatic hydrocarbons - BTEX
  • Polyaromatic hydrocarbons - PAHs
  • Phenols
  • Cyanide
  • Chlorobenzenes and chlorophenols
  • Polychlorinated biphenyls - PCB
  • Dioxins and dibenzofurans PCDD / F
  • Pesticides (organochlorine, triazine, acetanilides, phosphoric esters, phenoxy carbonic derivatives)
  • Elements (metals)
  • Anions (chlorides, sulfates, nitrites, nitrates, phosphates)
  • Volatile halogenated aliphatic hydrocarbons - VCH
  • Polybrominated biphenyls ethers - PBDEs
  • Chloralkanes C10 - C13 (chlorinated paraffins)
  • Phthalate (DEHP, etc.)
  • Octyl and nonyl phenols
  • General chemical parameters (pH, ammonia, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, etc.)

Your contact for soil analysis

„If you need a fast and reliable analysis of the soil for your building project, please do not hesitate to contact us. On request, we can deliver the results of your soil sample within 72 hours. “

Your contact for consulting

Sampling at WESSLING

Training courses at WESSLING Academy

Sampling according to LAGA PN98 - Waste sampling

Increase your company's success: at WESSLING Academy, experienced specialists from 40 different professional groups share their knowledge.

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Maize on a field - the plants are one of the input materials of biogas plants.

Innovations for the agricultural sector

Agricultural services at WESSLING

Our experts for agricultural services regularly develop individual solutions - for the areas of biogas, livestock drinking water, manure and animal feed.

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Land recycling as part of site management

Requirements for earthworks and civil engineering measures

Building ground analysis at WESSLING

In the run-up to construction projects, we assess the technical properties of your site and thereby ensure the sustainable and trouble-free use of your building.

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Training courses at WESSLING Academy 1 / 3

Find out more about our solutions for your sector

WESSLING provides individual service packages that are tailored to the needs of your company.

WESSLING engineering sector


WESSLING waste industry

Waste management

WESSLING building and construction sector


WESSLING recycling industry
