Waste analysis by WESSLING – we are a partners with the waste management industry

At WESSLING, we regard waste as a valuable material – according to the principle: prevention before recycling before disposal. At WESSELING, waste analysis means that we analyse the composition of residues so that they can then be specifically reused in agriculture,in industry or as fuel.

Recycling von Abfällen

The European Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC) defines how companies must handle waste: on principle, residues should always be avoided when possible. If this is not realistic, efforts must be made to attempt recycling prior to disposal. WESSLING supports you in your recycling process: in our specialised and accredited laboratories, we analyse waste and residues of various kinds – including compost, sewage sludges or fuels.

Of course, we also provide you with comprehensive advice on how best to avoid and reduce waste within your processes – because we regard waste analysis as a holistic process. Our experts ensure that you incur the lowest possible costs due to valuable material recycling, but also through analysing and optimising processes.

Our services for your industry

WESSLING provides individual service packages that are tailored to the needs of your company.

WESSLING waste industry

Waste management

WESSLING public sector

Public sector

WESSLING industry sector


Your contact for the topic of waste analysis

„Waste is not simply waste: our laboratory analysis provides findings showing recycling possibilities concealed in your waste.“

Waste management - our services - laboratory and consultancy

The quality of sampling, sample preparation and laboratory analysis is fundamental for dependable results. We have over 20 years of experience in the field of waste and fuel analysis.

Our range of services:

  • Sampling in accredited regime
  • Industrial waste analysis for classification in hazardous/non-hazardous waste
  • Waste analysis according to Order 95/2005 for establishing the appropriate classes of waste deposits for final disposal
  • Leachate analysis from landfills, quality compliance verification with specific regulations
  • Waste analysis from wastewater treatment plants in order to verify the possibility of use in agriculture
  • Common parameters: pH, metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, Total Organic Carbon (TOC), water content (dry matter content), conductivity, weight loss on ignition (LOI), etc.
  • Specific parameters like: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), benzene and its derivate - BTEX, phenols, dioxins & furans, cyanides, polychlorinated biphenyl, pesticides, asbestos, flammability, other parameters and different physical & chemical tests
  • Consultancy for preparation of waste sampling plans
  • Environmental assessments of landfills

Advice on waste and valuable materials

Tractor distributes organic fertilizer on a field

Optimised harvest yields thanks to precise analysis

Farm manure

WESSLING determines the nutrient content of your farm manure. Use our analysis results as the basis for a specific fertilisation strategy, and therefore optimise your harvest yield.

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WESSLING provides analysis for all types of soil samples

Planning security for your construction projects

Soil analysis

We analyse and certify soils as well as mineral waste and soil/building rubble mixtures - also under time contraints for the continued progress of your projects.

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Optimised harvest yields thanks to precise analysis 1 / 2